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The junior research group investigates transformation processes towards a sustainable construction sector in the context of the bioeconomy. The research approach of this project follows a multi-scalar analytical framework and uses new conceptual approaches from the interface between transition studies, human and economic geography and innovation studies. Primarily, innovation systems, socio-technical regimes and lead market structures are analyzed on a global, national and regional level.

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Innovation systems

How are innovation processes and the global innovation landscape spatially organized in a sustainable construction sector?


Regime structures

Which socio-technical regimes guide the development and diffusion of bioeconomy innovations in the construction sector? How are these regimes manifested in different geographical contexts?

Image by Denys Nevozhai

Regional lead markets

How are global lead market structures organized in the construction sector of the bioeconomy, and what lead market potentials emerge in different regions?

The work of the junior research group consists of three intensive research phases, each lasting 15 months, which start after an introductory working phase and are interrupted or concluded by synthesis phases. The research phases are accompanied by project management work and dissemination of results. Each of the three research phases includes four independent modules. Three of these modules primarily consist of qualitative (regional) case studies in the target countries Germany, India, and China, while the final module complements these case studies from a quantitative perspective. In the first research phase, the analysis of national and global innovation systems and socio-technical regimes in the construction sector of the bioeconomy is based on nationwide qualitative data collection in Germany, China, and India, as well as a quantitative assessment of the global innovation landscape. In addition, Italy will be investigated as part of a case study in collaboration with the Gran Sasso Science Institute. In the second and third research phases, qualitative case studies are conducted in two regions in each of the mentioned countries to examine regional facets of the innovation systems and socio-technical regimes, to explore regional transition pathways, and to assess (regional) lead market potentials. Both research phases are accompanied by quantitative work, particularly for the geographical analysis of the regime structures and lead market potentials.

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