Hansmeier, H., Losacker, S., Bersch, J., & Kroll, H. (2025). Regional Specializations in Green Incumbents and Green Start-ups in the German Transport Sector. Growth and Change, 56(1), e70025. https://doi.org/10.1111/grow.70025
Fischer, L., & Losacker, S. (2024). Competing or complementary?: Socio-technical imaginaries of a bio-based construction sector. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie Und Praxis, 33(3), 15–21. https://doi.org/10.14512/tatup.7145
Losacker, S., Befort, N., Kriesch, L., & Lhuillery, S. (2024). Tracking pathways towards a bioeconomy: A sequence analysis of regional patent portfolios. Papers in Innovation Studies, Lund University, CIRCLE - Centre for Innovation Research.
Kriesch, L., & Losacker, S. (2024). A global patent dataset of bioeconomy-related inventions. Scientific Data, 11(1), 1308.
Abbasiharofteh, M., & Kriesch, L. (2024). Not all twins are identical: the digital layer of “twin” transition market applications (No. 2024/16). Papers in Innovation Studies. Lund University, CIRCLE-Centre for Innovation Research.
Mazzoni, F., & Losacker, S. (2024). What hinders the transition towards a bio-based construction sector? A global innovation system perspective on its value chain. Progress in Economic Geography, 100023.
Becker, T., & Losacker, S. (2024). Die räumliche Dimension des EU-Emissionshandels (EU ETS): Messung des regionalen Transformationsdrucks in Deutschland. Standort, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00548-024-00951-9
Gruen, L., Hanke-Rauschenbach, R., Hoelzen, J., Liefner, I., & Losacker, S. (2024). Tis Subsystems and Modes of Innovation: The Case of Hydrogen-Powered Aviation. Available at SSRN 4945492.
Brueck, C., Losacker, S., & Liefner, I. (2024). China’s digital and green (twin) transition: insights from national and regional innovation policies. Regional Studies, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2024.2384411.
Cicerone, G., Losacker, S., & Ortega-Argilés, R. (2024). Regional diversification into green and digital economic activities–The case of UK Local Authorities.
Liefner, I., Brueck, C., Losacker, S., & Zeng, G. (2024). What can mission-oriented innovation policy learn from China?. Available at SSRN 4869399.
Kriesch, L., & Losacker, S. (2024). A global patent dataset for the bioeconomy. Papers in Innovation Studies, Lund University, CIRCLE - Centre for Innovation Research.
Muehlberger, C. M., Gruen, L., Liefner, I., & Losacker, S. (2024). Socio-technical imaginaries of climate-neutral aviation. Energy Research & Social Science, 114, 103595.
Kriesch, L., & Losacker, S. (2024). Bioeconomy firms and where to find them. Region, 11(1), 55-78.
Losacker, S., & Kuebart, A. (2024). Introducing Sequence Analysis to Economic Geography. Progress in Economic Geography, 100012.
Hansmeier, H. & Losacker, S. (2024). Regional eco-innovation trajectories. European Planning Studies.
Fischer, L., Losacker, S., & Wydra, S. (2024). National specialization and diversification in the bioeconomy: Insights from biobased technologies in chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. Technology in Society, 102462.
Losacker, S. & Fastenrath, S. (2023). Innovation und transformativer Wandel im Bausektor: Eine wirtschaftsgeographische Perspektive. In: Koschatzky, Knut & Stahlecker, Thomas (Hrsg.). Nachhaltige Transformationen und resilienter Strukturwandel in Regionen, 63-87.
Losacker, S., Hansmeier, H., Horbach, J., & Liefner, I. (2023). The geography of environmental innovation: a critical review and agenda for future research. Review of Regional Research, 43(2), 291-316.
Losacker, S., Horbach, J., & Liefner, I. (2023). A spatial perspective on green technology adoption in China: insights from patent licensing data. Innovation and Development, 1-21.
Losacker, S., Heiden, S., Liefner, I., & Lucas, H. (2023). Rethinking bioeconomy innovation in sustainability transitions. Technology in Society, 102291.
Liefner, I., & Losacker, S. (2023). Nachhaltige Wirtschaftsgeographie. UTB.